Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Yongnuo RF603CII Wireless Trigger on Olympus OMD EM10... OMG it works!!

I've been reading that Olympus OMD EM5 only works with Yongnuo RF602 but not 603 although there is a hack to it but i wont go into that. i dont want to hack my stuffs. i want to buy it and pray that it works. pay and pray. thats how i roll. thats just the way it is. i dont want to open up my trigger and solder this solder that. no. just too much hassle.

EM10 being almost similar to EM5, i worry the same issue with RF603 would resurface. I just purchased a set of RF603 before i bought the OMD although the ones i bought are the latest from Yongnuo, the RF603CII, i guess its a version 2 or Mark 2 they say. Anyway, its still model 603 but good news it works!! so if you want a cheap wireless triggers for your OMD, get the new RF603CII.

Some test shots below...

shot with OMD EM10 with RF603CII to trigger the flash. Flash is Yongnuo 560III

i just bought a pair of Yongnuo's flashes, the YN560III, as it has a built in wireless so you dont need to buy a receiver for it. Just get the RF603CII and set it to the same channel and viola, you got some strobing/strobist project to do!! This flash is cheap too.. i got it for USD$136 for 2 flash.

i set both flash to the same channel and triggered wirelessly by OMD EM10 using the new RF603CII

All i can say is its...


  1. Hello, you mention just getting the RF603CII trigger. However there are several versions of that trigger for different subsets of canon camera, which one did you need to make this work?

    1. I bought the C1 version which is for 1100D, 600D, 350D etc etc, which also works with my Fujifilm X-M1, X100S and OMD EM10.

  2. Hi, do you use a sync cable to connect the trigger and em5 or does it just sit on the hotshoe and fire from there? just awaiting delivery of the trigger set, thanks.

    1. No sync cable. Wireless. Fire from the hotshoe. Pretty cool! But i've tested on EM10, hopefully works on EM5 too!

  3. Any updates how well they work on the EM5? Also what's the max sync speed you're able to get with these?

    1. I'm sorry for the late response but i dont have an EM5 so i dont know if they work, i assume it will though. i think based on the manual probably 1/160 - 1/180s.

  4. Ive just tried my EM1 and it works with the 603cII.

  5. Hi Everyone, I have E-M10 and a old Nikon SB-800 from my previous gear. I was wondering if it could trigger my SB-800 from my E-M10. Of course, assuming I have one of these transceiver on the camera and on the flash.


    1. I dont have the SB800 to give you a concrete answer but i believe it should work. But no TTL though. Only in Manual mode.

  6. Hi. I'm trying the same combination but the flash isn't firing. Can I please ask what camera and flash menu settings are being used?

    1. Check if you're transmitter and flash are in the same channel. Honestly I dun remember my camera settings.

  7. hi,
    Please , the RF 603 II will work in hotshoe mount omd em5 ? I lost my FLm2 and need buy another flash .

  8. I have the same set up as you (E-M10 & Yongnuo RF-603CII) and it doesn't seem to be working.

    Could you write out a step by step method on how to do this please?

    - Thanks

    1. I am using the Yongnuo YN560 II by the way.

    2. You need the yn560 ver iii because it has built in wireless so it can communicate with the triggers.

  9. I have also found that the triggers don't even fit onto the hotshoe mount of the E-M10?

    1. Check the triggers if its in lock position otherwise it is a bit tight just have to push a bit

  10. Excellent article and many thx for sahring 😀 I also tried another trick with my YN560 flash by turning it into Slave mode (S1) and switching on RC function on my EM10 and ut works too!!

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